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For joint or muscle pain associated with exercise which drug is preferable, Advil or Aleve?

4 Answers

alcon1502 10 Feb 2013

My first choise is Aleve. I been a runner for a lot of years and after finish a narathon I take to pills with food and work great. Don't take it while doing exercises,take it when funish. Regards:

Votes: +0
meyati 1 Feb 2013

Ah, you hit the second week, unless you're doing exercises for a medical condition. Remember to stretch those muscles out if jogging, weight lifting, running-whatever-some hot baths- some liniment- are you trying to bulk up or aerobic weight lifting to slim down? Good luck and don't give up-don't over do it-whether it's yoga or weight lifting- build up slowly.

Votes: +1
DrLegz 10 Feb 2013

Always a step ahead! Actually I had finally started Aquatherapy 15 months after cervical fusion (C3-C6). I'm 3 weeks in and you certainly want to use "all the tools in the toolbox" on the road back! It helps or certainly has in my case!

meyati 10 Feb 2013

Admire you- so many people don't try because it hurts to move. I had to rehab from nerve damage. Asked PM if I could start doing stretches and weight lifting. one lb dumbbells-etc. She just stared at at me. I was dressed nice-silk and pearls, hair fixed, nice make-up. She said that she had given up on counseling patients about PT, because they all said that it hurt to move-and here I was a dainty little thing with a more severe injury-My fingers were still black and flopped around on my right hand. I accidently went to a cop gym, and they helped me rehab. I'm glad that I didn't end up in a girlie gym. Remember pain is gain.

DrLegz 11 Feb 2013

Great for you! I'm very fortunate that there's a new facility close to home with aquatherapy. When it's "dry" PT -there's a lot more caution ( so its hard not to over do it). But it's true - getting back whatever level of fitness and losing any extra pounds pays off quickly. Also, for many of "us" who ha e gone thru so much - the endorphins are well short of what can make a difference in our pain. That's a long conversation - we should swap emails. Glad you are getting going!!

meyati 11 Feb 2013

I befriended you, so you can ask me a private question. Just go to my profile-and ask a question a private question, if you want-you can send me any info that you want. If you friend me we can have private conversations, but DC still runs those through a program and sometimes blocks those.

DrLegz 13 Feb 2013

Thanks! Gotcha - I'll go on there and friend u - I a genuine caveman, I wanted to do that when u friended me!
Thanks :) you are an inspiring person!

meyati 14 Feb 2013

so are you. Here we have to stay on topic, so I can't tell you how I was rooting for the visiting BB team-so I was quiet to keep from being whacked over the head by a super fan just behind me. Fresno won.-Had good defense

DrLegz 30 Jan 2013

Remember to read the interactions closely on the NSAIDS (Non Steroidal Anti Inflatory DrugS).
Also best to take with food or a glass of milk. Advil is great and would really be "step 1" for these types of medication. I would try that first . Alleve is stronger per dose and lasts up to 12 hours. FYI ADVIL generic is IBUPROFEN and Alleve is Naproxen Sodium.
I would try the Advil 1st as long as you check all the information on the bottle.
(Which will include not mixing NSAIDs)
If you have no conditions that apply and you are trying to sleep thru the night Alleve will work longer. Alleve is definitely a bit rougher on the digestive system. Using Advil and Alleve (or generics) helped me stay away from prescription pain relievers for over a decade despite chronic spinal pain!
Good luck and don't forget analgesic topical creams and patches as well for relief !

Votes: +0
DzooBaby 30 Jan 2013

It is really a personal preference. They are both NSAID drugs. Some people feel Aleve does a better job and some feel ibuprofen (Advil) does a better job. I prefer the Aleve because you take less pills and it seems to last longer.

Votes: +0
Lisa01 30 Jan 2013

Dzoo is absolutely correct, it is a personal preference. I prefer Advil (or actually the store brand equivalent) for muscle strains and aches. I would recommend you give both a try and use whichever works better for you!
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advil, aleve, pain, muscle pain, muscle, exercise

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